Core Data

Periodic Table


alias of chemlib.chemistry.

Column Names

>>> list(chemlib.pte)   #Column names
['AtomicNumber', 'Element', 'Symbol', 'AtomicMass', 'Neutrons', 'Protons', 'Electrons', 'Period', 'Group', 'Phase', 'Radioactive', 'Natural', 'Metal', 'Nonmetal', 'Metalloid', 'Type', 'AtomicRadius', 'Electronegativity', 'FirstIonization', 'Density', 'MeltingPoint', 'BoilingPoint', 'Isotopes', 'Discoverer', 'Year', 'SpecificHeat', 'Shells', 'Valence', 'Config', 'MassNumber']



alias of chemlib.chemistry.

Contains all the properties of the respective element:

>>> from chemlib import Element
>>> xenon = Element('Xe') #Instantiate with symbol of Element
{'AtomicNumber': 54.0, 'Element': 'Xenon', 'Symbol': 'Xe', 'AtomicMass': 131.293, 'Neutrons': 77.0, 'Protons': 54.0, 'Electrons': 54.0, 'Period': 5.0, 'Group': 18.0, 'Phase': 'gas', 'Radioactive': False, 'Natural': True, 'Metal': False, 'Nonmetal': True, 'Metalloid': False, 'Type': 'Noble Gas', 'AtomicRadius': '1.2', 'Electronegativity': nan, 'FirstIonization': '12.1298', 'Density': '0.00589', 'MeltingPoint': '161.45', 'BoilingPoint': '165.03', 'Isotopes': 31.0, 'Discoverer': 'Ramsay and Travers', 'Year': '1898', 'SpecificHeat': '0.158', 'Shells': 5.0, 'Valence': 8.0, 'Config': '[Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p6', 'MassNumber': 131.0}
>>> xenon.AtomicMass
>>> xenon.FirstIonization
chemlib.chemistry.Element.AtomicNumber: float
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Element: str = The name of the element
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Symbol: str = The symbol of the element
chemlib.chemistry.Element.AtomicMass: float
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Neutrons: float
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Protons: float
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Electrons: float
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Period: float
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Group: float
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Phase: str = The state of matter of the element at room temperature.
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Radioactive: boolean
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Natural: boolean
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Metal: boolean
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Nonmetal: boolean
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Metalloid: boolean
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Type: str
chemlib.chemistry.Element.AtomicRadius: str
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Electronegativity: str or NaN
chemlib.chemistry.Element.FirstIonization: str or NaN
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Density: float
chemlib.chemistry.Element.MeltingPoint: float
chemlib.chemistry.Element.BoilingPoint: float
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Isotopes: float
chemlib.chemistry.Element.Discoverer: str

Other Constants

chemlib.AVOGADROS_NUMBER: float = 6.02e+23

Contains Avogaadro’s Number, which relates the number of constituent particles in a sample with the amount of substance in that sample.

>>> import chemlib
chemlib.c: float = 2.998e+8

The speed of light.

chemlib.h: float = 6.626e-34

Planck’s constant.

chemlib.R: float = 1.0974e+7

Rydberg constant.